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To create a bath and body product range featuring the Harry Potter license; a consumable area that had remained untouched until now. Harry Potter stories have established an entire wizarding world that people of all ages hold close to their heart, being such an iconic brand, the products needed to appeal to both the older audience and also a younger, new following of fans.




The items needed to honour the authenticity of the stories and be tangible artefacts that would provide
a way in which to connect to the Harry Potter world. The product needed to stay relevant to the stories, in order capture the imaginations of the devoted Harry Potter fans. Products such as a golden egg bath bomb and
a magical potion set were created using the more traditional graphic assets,in order for the products to
stay resonant to the iconic side of the brand, in keeping with the magical world of Harry Potter.




Brand and Licensing Strategy

Product Design  

Packaging Design 


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